
Jamus Wood

I dance, I explore and I have an innate curiosity for life. Deeply influenced and rooted by the practices of Body Mind Centering, Contact Improvisation, explorations into The Land and Embodied Consciousness. Currently I am exploring the more than human relationship with Dartmoor and the question of what does the land remember.
TouchandPlay has been a rich place of learning, experiencing and play over the last ten years, so much so that I find myself as part of the organising teach for this unique and exciting experience.

Lee Bolton

I have always been a kind of explorer and researcher of life. Always asking questions. Generally a little outside of convention. For the past 12 years my offering has been facilitating the exploration of movement and dance, mostly improvisation, enquiring into the nature of relationship and being here. I have a deep interest in the 'unseen', that which connects us all as the fabric of life.
Sometimes life is smooth and delicious and often it can be as clunky as hell. I'm constantly learning how to gracefully bring it all the table.